Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



BT Members

BT Other Pics

The Backtable's Banners

BT Quotes

BT Quotes 2
BT Quotes 3
BT Quotes 4
BT Quotes 5
BT Quotes 6
BT Quotes 7
BT Quotes 8
BT Quotes 9
BT Quotes 10
BT Quotes 11
BT Quotes 12
BT Quotes 13

BT News

BT News '06

bt news '06 (2)

BT News '05

BT Prom 2006

BT Protection Banners

BT Names and Titles

BT Dictionary

The Never Ending BT Story

Little Yellow Guy

Lil' Hood

cyanide and happiness

Marta's Going Away Party

Spirit Week '06


Random BT Pics


This is Shannyn...

This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

sam's photobucket

funny videos and pictures

Henry and Giovanni (German III movie)

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2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: ole Tammer's probably burning stuff, so that options outta the question. too bad Frost aint here ><

2006-07-11 [Sandman666]: im here...

2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: w00t, meet one of my newer friends, Mask

2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: oh, and this is an older conversation, but the one that looks like Azera is an Israeli

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: i need to hit a skate park, who wants to come

2006-07-11 [Maya_Midnight]: i would. but i'm not... in michigan... nevermind... *cries* in case you didn't notice i'm going for the GUILT TRIP.... & where the hell IS everyone?

2006-07-11 [Sandman666]: i donno... im goin the the starsouthfield at 3:15 so if anyone wants to come there welcome...

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: i'm here...

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: someone go skating with me

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: ok, if not skate, then come hang out!!!

2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: oh.... im not a real mamber?.... oh.... sorry.... i was trying to be polite...

2006-07-11 [risky]: not u ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. whatever but yay i have a new playtoy!! his name is brandon ^_^

2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: w/e...

2006-07-11 [Sandman666]: your a real member...

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: really? new toy? what fun...

2006-07-11 [risky]: yup yup black guys are sooo cute : )

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: hey yes they are!!!

2006-07-11 [risky]: and he has green eyes *drool*

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: ...whos the new toy?

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: yummy!

2006-07-11 [risky]: and he's uber freaky *hehe* how freaky UBER FREAKY rotflmao

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: name and or ep please

2006-07-11 [risky]: haha its funny how you think that someone i would talk to would have an ep... never on your life im on the other side of the world now, o sorry you don't know me so i guess u wouldn't really know about all that lol

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: name?

2006-07-11 [risky]: brandon...

2006-07-11 [risky]: <img:><img:>

2006-07-11 [risky]: ugly pics of him but whatev

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: well fine, you want the other side of the world, ok whats his myspace

2006-07-11 [manly cheerleader of doom]: jk

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: smexy! where'd you get him?

2006-07-11 [risky]: found him on the basketball courts at school during a track meet... well he found me :)

2006-07-11 [Syn's Desire]: nice...

2006-07-11 [risky]: *snicker* <img:>

2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: ........?

2006-07-11 [Maya_Midnight]: nice pick [risky]. he's a hottie. where are you on the other side of the world? gah! there you are v!!!! *glomp*

2006-07-12 [Froggy526]: whoops, i meant to go to another page...ignore this

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: ummmmm..... shwa?

2006-07-12 [Froggy526]: nvm, i tried to switch pages but accidentally entered the number into this box

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: ummm... okay...

2006-07-12 [Froggy526]: dont mind me, i'm weird

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: poptart!!!!!!!!

2006-07-12 [Maya_Midnight]: WHERE?!?!

2006-07-12 [risky]: strawberry milkshake???

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: mine... oh yeah

2006-07-12 [risky]: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t w00t!!!

2006-07-12 [Syn's Desire]: lol


2006-07-12 [risky]: ... IS FUN :)

2006-07-12 [Syn's Desire]: yes, yes it is...

2006-07-12 [risky]: hey avivah stetson says ur hot... smh

2006-07-12 [Maya_Midnight]: ok whoever put that cartoon up is offically my hero... that's funny as hell

2006-07-12 [risky]: yay!!

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: HAHAHAHAH!!!!!

2006-07-12 [Syn's Desire]: really?that's oddd.......

2006-07-12 [risky]: lol yea

2006-07-12 [Syn's Desire]: why? that seem skinda random....

2006-07-12 [Fear of the Soul]: the cartoons... they're.... funny...

2006-07-13 [risky]: i dunno he told me to tell you that and see what you say i think he just let his inner loser take him over for a second...

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL awesome

2006-07-13 [Froggy526]: these be awesome comics

2006-07-13 [Maya_Midnight]: c'est tres, tres amusant. j'aime.

2006-07-13 [risky]: ahhh!!! the most horrible thing that could happen during sex just happened to me... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Just thought u should know... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

2006-07-13 [Maya_Midnight]: what is the most horrible thing?

2006-07-13 [risky]: *sob* well we were... you know...*sob*

2006-07-13 [risky]: *sniffle*and... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can't even say it waaaaaaaaa!!*sob*

2006-07-13 [Maya_Midnight]: *huggles* i'm sorry, if it was that bad, you don't have to tell me....

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: tell me instead!

2006-07-13 [risky]: no im telling you it's to... ugh

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: hmph! well fine! *turns and walks away*

2006-07-13 [Froggy526]: w/e, if u dont wanna tell us its cool

2006-07-13 [risky]: STOP PRESSURING ME!!

2006-07-13 [Vincent Stryke]: You all need to stop buggin her about it. If she wants to tell you all, she'll tell you when she's damn good and ready.

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: okey pokey...

2006-07-13 [risky]: thank you it is traumatizing even tho stetson is making fun of me right now...

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-07-13 [risky]: NOT FUNNY!!

2006-07-13 [Maya_Midnight]: i agree with Justin.

2006-07-13 [risky]: yea... i'll tell yall... eventually

2006-07-13 [Fear of the Soul]: okey pokey

2006-07-13 [Sweet Surrender]: ...

2006-07-13 [risky]: smh

2006-07-13 [manly cheerleader of doom]: i want pokey...*runs to little japenese store* pokey pokey pokey pokey pokey

2006-07-14 [Fear of the Soul]: O THERES A JAPANESE STORE??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-14 [Sandman666]: the only one i saw was in novi on 12 mile... right next to the second city theatre...

2006-07-14 [Vincent Stryke]: Good girls and boys. And please, call me Jay or Devil, or Kahsef. Just not Justin.

2006-07-14 [Froggy526]: oh sry, i wasnt trying to pressure her. i actually meant the exact opposite by what i said.

2006-07-14 [Vincent Stryke]: A likely story!

2006-07-14 [Froggy526]: you know Froggy cannot tell a lie! (or maybe that was George Washington...oh well)

2006-07-14 [Sandman666]: WOODEN TEETH!!

2006-07-14 [Maya_Midnight]: sorry jay. :'(          *POKE*

2006-07-14 [Rowan]: check this out, i just made it. headbutt

2006-07-14 [Rowan]: and yes, i just posted it on almost every wiki i could to make sure people see it

2006-07-14 [Maya_Midnight]: it's funny as hell.... i missed it, so i'm glad i can see it now.

2006-07-14 [Rowan]: hey! did you ever get my message?

2006-07-14 [Maya_Midnight]: no... when?

2006-07-14 [risky]: I wanna have a kid <img:> maybe I'm just weird <img:>

2006-07-14 [manly cheerleader of doom]: ok back to japanese store, or oriental store w/e, in the southfield plaze across from home depot...r atleast it used to be there i think it still is

2006-07-14 [Master Of Duct Tape]: that store smells so horrible.  i cant stand it.  but i used to go there to but fortune cookies..and those little panda things.

2006-07-15 [manly cheerleader of doom]: and pokey!!!!!

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah yeah

2006-07-15 [risky]: it stinks

2006-07-15 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-07-15 [risky]: <img:> I think i've been laughing at this for about two days now... *drool*

2006-07-15 [risky]: oh my god someone find me when avivah gets online...

2006-07-15 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-07-15 [Fear of the Soul]: awesome...

2006-07-15 [Froggy526]: lmao zedong

2006-07-15 [risky]: ??

2006-07-15 [risky]: <img:>

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: part of me just doesnt want to know....

2006-07-15 [risky]:


before i say this i would like to let you know, if you didn't already, that I could possibly be the most racist person in our school... ok *ahem*

2006-07-15 [risky]: some random white dude just told me "don't be hatin" i have strong visual images of me reaching through the computer and strangling him.. now back to your regularly scheduled programing...

2006-07-15 [risky]: BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! OK HERE IT IS...

2006-07-15 [risky]: HIM:dam gurl u got som big ass boobs ME: *rolls eyes* HIM:dnt tlk 2 me den ME: don't worry I won't *smaked myself later for sending that* HIM: wots wiv u ?? i was only mesin dnt b h8tin ME: do you really talk like that? HIM: would you talk to me if i didnt ME: no, i'm racist... HIM: b h8tin den silly bitch ME: i've never felt inclined to use the word "wigger" before in my life... HIM:let start again ? ME: <img:>

2006-07-15 [risky]:


2006-07-15 [risky]:


2006-07-15 [risky]: HIM: yeah cos i am a wigga i aint actin no blak im jus actin how tha steets made me ya feel me nigga

2006-07-15 [risky]:



2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: dear god.  who the fuck was saying that shit

2006-07-15 [risky]: hold on... we're still arguing...

2006-07-15 [risky]: ME: don't ever call me a nigga cause i am not.. and you live in england there are no "streets" try living in Detroit

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahahahaha

2006-07-15 [risky]: smh

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: did he say anything after that?

2006-07-15 [risky]: HIM: no street ?? u eva bin ere den u wud no u not eva bin nottz so u cnt say shit i bin detroit n id rather fukin live der fukin safa

2006-07-15 [risky]: ME: wanna say that again in english? I bet you don't even know half of what it's like to grow up in a real "hood". but explain to me, what trials and tribulations have you been through?

2006-07-15 [risky]: HIM: wen a no wot trials and tribulations mean a will

2006-07-15 [risky]: ME: lol and you are illiterate is that a bonus to the whole "england wigger" package?? well you go figure that out and have fun with all of your "niggers" on the mean "streets" of nottingam. and by the way you wouldn't survive a day in detroit, unless you own a gun, then, if your lucky you might survive two.

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: this is amusing

2006-07-15 [risky]: yea i blocked him after that

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: thats funny.

2006-07-15 [Dark-Hammer]: Interesting.

2006-07-15 [Rowan]: hey guys, thats adrian. he just randomly messaged me.

2006-07-15 [Dark-Hammer]: I wouldn't say it was completely random, however, my motives will stay unknown.

2006-07-15 [risky]: who in the fuck is adrian?

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: um.. im guessiong someone random.

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: Hey all, CHECK THE SITE: !!! there's a new contest. 

2006-07-15 [Dark-Hammer]: I'm Adrian. I was browsing the site, and I found some interest in this group.

2006-07-15 [risky]: i find some interest n sex but you don't see me randomly blabbing about it... oh wait...

2006-07-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: of course you find interest in this group.   we ARE the BT!!!

2006-07-15 [Rowan]: who doesnt find interest in sex?

2006-07-15 [Vincent Stryke]: She does have a point.

2006-07-16 [Sweet Surrender]: ...

2006-07-16 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahaha

2006-07-16 [Syn's Desire]: hi Adrian, glad you found us! if you'd like to join us, sortta just do, so jump in and make friends! and WELCOME! TO THE BACKTABLE!!!!!

2006-07-16 [risky]: i don't like his attitude <img:>

2006-07-16 [Froggy526]: speaking of new peeps, Mask disappeared quickly, no? i'd best prod her...

2006-07-16 [Master Of Duct Tape]: huh?

2006-07-16 [risky]: didn't like mask's attitude either <img:>

2006-07-16 [Froggy526]: she only wanted to make friends :(

2006-07-16 [Sweet Surrender]: she might of got scared off now...

2006-07-16 [Master Of Duct Tape]: im slow.....  mask?

2006-07-16 [Sandman666]: a girl from a camp froggy went to... he brought her here... somthin like that...

2006-07-16 [Fear of the Soul]: lol fun fun

2006-07-16 [risky]: scared off... by who <img:> <img:>

2006-07-16 [Fear of the Soul]: lol i dunno...

2006-07-16 [risky]: oh my god I am so talented i don't know what to do with myself i am in love with this new pic of myself I just made

2006-07-16 [Fear of the Soul]: okey pokey...

2006-07-16 [risky]: don't okey pokey me the picture is cool...

2006-07-16 [Fear of the Soul]: XPPPP

2006-07-16 [risky]: <img:> Haha... I win...

2006-07-17 [Froggy526]: actually i just talked to her about this noon, and she said shes too lazy to log on

2006-07-17 [risky]: what?

2006-07-17 [Fear of the Soul]: lol fun fun

2006-07-17 [Sandman666]: heh...

2006-07-17 [Syn's Desire]: who?

2006-07-17 [Froggy526]: a girl who calls herself Mask who goes to my camp and i invited to this Wiki

2006-07-17 [Syn's Desire]: ahhh...ok...

2006-07-17 [Fear of the Soul]: koo

2006-07-18 [Froggy526]: so Mask all like, "Hokai, what is going on with all teh BT's?" she's been away a while cuz of the damned camp program

2006-07-18 [Mask]: that never gives us any freedom, although they like to pretend

2006-07-18 [Froggy526]: g'damned mundanes....they got drunk one night, it was fun

2006-07-19 [Fear of the Soul]: hehe.... alcohol...

2006-07-19 [Froggy526]: hehe, yep...the staff drunk is funny shit

2006-07-19 [manly cheerleader of doom]: omg i want some frickin vicodine...had my wisdom teeth out and the shit they gave me is not fucking strong enough

2006-07-19 [Sweet Surrender]: Yeah I don't want my wisdom teeth out...I have a feeling I will get 2 of them out if I get them out rather then 4.

2006-07-19 [manly cheerleader of doom]: ...unless you are missing teeth you generally get all of them out or it throws off your bite

2006-07-19 [Maya_Midnight]: hehehe.... me & avivah got smashed one night at special days.... off the same vodka she brought to my b-day party...

2006-07-19 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun

2006-07-19 [manly cheerleader of doom]: i think vodka would burn too much right now...stiches still a little raw

2006-07-19 [Maya_Midnight]: na, just don't let it hit your teeth on the way down

2006-07-19 [risky]: lol thats rude

2006-07-19 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun

2006-07-19 [Just A Lost Pixie]: when i had my wisdom teeth out i didn't even use the vicodin they gave me... i only used ibueprofin... i apparently have a very high pain tolerance

2006-07-19 [Froggy526]: dude...wisdom teeth pulled out is gonna suck...i've had a cyst in my jaw and that was a bitch, i cant imagine wisdom teeth being pulled out

2006-07-19 [risky]: i got a root canal once... but it didn't hurt i fell asleep... soooo

2006-07-19 [Syn's Desire]: nice.

2006-07-20 [Syn's Desire]: liek teh new funny....

2006-07-20 [manly cheerleader of doom]: when i can sleep and avoid talking its not bad

2006-07-20 [risky]: well don't talk then

2006-07-20 [risky]: I wonder how many piercings i can convince my mom to let me get before the end of the summr... bets anyone?

2006-07-20 [risky]: haha i am nacho libre...n i'm talkin to myself again.. oh well

2006-07-20 [Sandman666]: 6

2006-07-20 [risky]: um upsidedown 6... 9

2006-07-20 [Maya_Midnight]: then SLEEP! i love sleep.

2006-07-20 [risky]: booooooo

2006-07-20 [Vincent Stryke]: Hey looky! There's a hott chick up there! *points to top of wiki*

2006-07-20 [Just A Lost Pixie]: nice. boost her ego even more...

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